May 17, 2022

Quantitative research questions

Quantitative research questions have a complete answer for a scientific research study, and it has three types, (1) Descriptive, (2) Comparative,  (3) and Relationship-based research questions. (Bl.Uk, 2022) 

Descriptive research questions are used to get the responder's answers to a specifically designed question. This is the easiest way to quantify a specific variable on a larger scale. For example, how often do you buy an iPhone for upgrading reasons? The variable is the number of upgrades bought, and the demographic is iPhone upgrading enthusiasts. Comparative research questions find differences between at least two groups with at least one variable. For example, What is the difference in daily exercises between men and women in California? The variable, in this case, would be a daily exercise, and the demographic is men based in CA vs. women based in CA. Relationship-based research questions are to find "trends, casual relationships, or associations between two or more variables." (Jose, 2022). For example, what is the relationship between job satisfaction and wages in California's residents? The dependent variable in this is job satisfaction, the independent variable is wages, and the demographics are Californians. However, quantitative research questions and research hypotheses are different and are not identical in how they accomplish the reports and outcomes. "In quantitative studies, investigators use quantitative research questions and hypotheses, and sometimes objectives, to shape and specifically focus the purpose of the study." (Creswell, 2022, p. 132)

Differences between research questions and hypotheses

Quantitative research questions are used to quantify the relationship between variables, while the Quantitative Hypothesis, on the other hand, is the researcher's predictions about the expected group's variable relationships. (Creswell, 2022, p. 132) Therefore, research questions are concise and focused with a clear path based on data sets. At the same time, the hypotheses are formally designed, including some predictions and the relationship of some group's variables. Using a form of scripts for hypothesis research questions is essential to finding the proper variables and their relationships and predictions, which we will talk about in the next section. 

Critical information for quantitative research questions and hypotheses

The crucial information for a Quantitative research question is identifying the variables used to measure, manipulate, and control. Another essential information to obtain in a Quantitative research question is identifying the variable we intend to measure, manipulate, and control. (Dissertation, 2020, p. 2) The crucial information for a Quantitative Hypothesis question is finding the relationship between the numbers and final statistical numbers and finding variables and groups. To find the variables in the Hypothesis, we need to identify independent variables (ordinal) and dependent variables (scale).


1- The best script for a Quantitative research question can be: 
"Does _________ (name the theory) explain the relationship between_________ (independent variable) and _________ (dependent vari-able), controlling for the effects of _________(control variable)?" (Creswell, 2022)

2- The best script for a Quantitative Null Hypothisis research questions can be: 

"There is no significant difference between _________ (the control and experimental groups on the independent variable) on _________(dependent variable)." (Creswell, 2022)

3- Here is a Null Hypothesis example: 

"An investigator might examine three types of reinforcement for children with autism: verbal cues, a reward, and no reinforcement. The investigator collects behavioral measures assessing the children's social interaction with their siblings. A null hypothesis might read, There is no significant difference between the effects of verbal cues, rewards, and no reinforcement in terms of social interaction for children with autism and their siblings." (Creswell, 2022)

4- Here is an example of a Directional Hypothesis:

"The differences between types of ownership(state-owned, publicly traded, and private) of firms in the offshore drilling industry. Specifically, the study explored such differences as domestic market dominance, international presence, and customer orientation. The study was a controlled field study using quasi-experimental procedures. Hypothesis 1: Publicly traded firms will have higher growth rates than privately held firms. Hypothesis 2: Publicly traded enterprises will have a larger international scope than state-owned and privately held firms. Hypothesis 3: State-owned firms will have a greater domestic market share than publicly traded or privately held firms. Hypothesis 4: Publicly traded firms will have broader product lines than state-owned and privately held firms. Hypothesis 5: State-owned firms are more likely to have state-owned enterprises as customers overseas. Hypothesis 6: State-owned firms will have higher customer-base stability than privately held firms. Hypothesis 7: In less visible contexts, publicly-traded firms will employ more advanced technology than state-owned and privately held firms." (Mascarenhas, 1989, pp. 585–588)


Bl.Uk. (2022). 429 Too Many Requests. Bl.Uk. Retrieved 2022, from

Creswell. (2022). Research Questions and Hypotheses. Retrieved 2022, from

Dissertation. (2020). Research Questions and Hypotheses | Lærd Dissertation. Dissertation.Laerd.Com. Retrieved 2022, from

Jose, J. (2022, April 21). Quantitative Research Questions Examples. Voxco. Retrieved 2022, from

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